Donate Today

The value of your support is measured in the 1000’s of Long Island families who reach out for care consultations, resources, support, and programs. The increase in those with the disease will double by 2050. It is our mission to be a source of Help & Hope; Hope to those along the journey; help to those who feel overwhelmed and need support, and to continue to provide education and outreach to the public about early signs of dementia and brain health. 

Your financial contribution will make a difference – it will make a difference to that caregiver who reaches out not knowing where to turn, the spouse who finds a support group of those going through similar challenges, and a family who is able to speak to knowledgeable, compassionate staff about next steps for their loved one. Together we will Keep Help & Hope in Mind for those affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias.

The Ryan Family (A Gentle Touch Senior Home Care)

Annual Appeal Brochure

You may print out the donation card and mail with a check made payable to Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center, 200 Carleton Avenue, NY 11730.We will send an acknowledgement. Thank you